February 27, 2011


*Checks last post date*

Ok, 3 months since I've last posted anything on this blog.  It's been a pretty busy year, work and other crazy shit has made it difficult for me to pick up a camera and shoot.  Lets just say 2011 hasn't really been good to me.

Hopefully I'll get to shoot more, but I'll likely disappear again for another 3-4 months :)

You'll find cars in the oddest places.. 

 My grandfather, during my uncle's wedding.  After this it'll be our (grandchildren) turn, not me though :)

 Back to airports..and delays. 


..and companionship. 

Finger licking good. 

I can't resist taking a snap at slanted objects.  OCD? 

Last one, beautiful sun rays..or in the gaming term, god rays :) 

Next post will probably be about MMU's Under One Roof accoustic night..hopefully.